I should be writing other things right now but I feel the absolute need to do some philosophical reflection right now. So here it goes...
One on one.
One of the most profound, powerful things I have found in this life is having a one on one conversation with someone. A deep, emotional exchange between you and some other soul, someone you either truly care about and/or are truly interested in (in any way). To sit with another person and to talk, in depth, about any subject is so incredibly powerful.
It is as if we are strongest, most honest, and most intelligent when it is just us and another person we trust and yet at the same time we are vulnerable, emotional (to any degree), and weak. It is at this time that we are honest with our companion--and ourselves. So many truths become self-evident during these conversations.
It is a harmony of souls. One person to another.
I don't know if this is obvious or a given to anyone else...but through my experience, these are....
Well, to be honest. I've not only lost my train of thought but also my desire to continue this. I don't wish to delete it so I'll leave my ramblings here. I hate for this blog to become like my livejournal and other things, which I used mostly as an outlet for frustration. Maybe that's the best way to do it, I don't know.
Personally, though, I don't care to read other's anger, nor reflect on my own. But writing it seems to let it out. And not just anger, either but a whole array of emotions, most of them in fact.
So there it is.
In writing news, I'm back onto House on Hickory Hill. Skin and Bone is on pause for now.
Enjoy life, everyone.