Sunday, April 20, 2008

Carry Me Ohio

"I'm sorry that
I could never love you back
I could never care enough
In these last days"

"Children love to sing but
Then their voices slowly fade away"

This isn't so much to talk about writing (although I will mention that I am feeling the itch that only writing can scratch) as it is to talk about my life. This coming week is my last full week of the semester and living in the dorms.

I have my el ed portfolio to work on, as well as two essays, two projects, and two exams. All of which are due this coming week and next. After these two weeks, I go straight into my job. I will be working this job all summer, up until sometime in August.

Furthermore, I know my summer projects are to write and read, clean up my music library, play some games, and hopefully get into some photography.

What is this thing called life? What's the worth? Maybe...