First, I am becoming increasingly intrigued with the life-after-apocalypse stories. I just bought Fallout 3 which is such a plot. I'm finding it hard to put my thoughts into words but basically...there is just something about an apocalypse that is so profound, so incredible, and so enticing...not just as an author but as a human being. I'm not talking about annihilation or genocide, mind you...just..."a new beginning." I play these games, read these books, but most importantly...have these dreams where an apocalypse is occurring.
So dreams...I always thought that it was just a recurring theme in my dreams, a sort of end of the world scenario I mean. But now it's dawned on me...all my dreams are in the same "world" or "universe." For most people, I think, each dream is a glimpse into some other world...This world may or may not be the complete imagination of each person but for me...I'm very sure its the same place, just different locations. Often times I had dreams in laboratories, schools, office buildings, or rural/secluded locations but there's always the same theme...the world is always on the brink or just past it of destruction.
This may be inconsequential to you, my reader, but to is utterly profound. I just woke up this morning and had this realization. Its astounding. I'm curious if the characters that show up in my dreams recur. And I think they do, at least metaphysically they are the same because physically they often look different. Oftentimes there is a young boy, sometimes many children, in my charge. Also, there are usually fellow survivors. Sometimes a love interest. I'm rambling. Anyways, good night.