So my PC contracted a virus. All in all, I had to reinstall Windows after tirelessly trying to eradicate the pest from my machine. All is well, though. Everything important was saved to my external hard drive, nothing but time and my Internet bookmarks were lost.
I'm half-glad actually. I love new beginnings. I like starting fresh and anew. Hallejulah.
Also, I'm madly in love with the band Okkervil River. The song "So Come Back, I'm Waiting" has been haunting me. I've learned to play it on guitar, as well.
I am on book 4 of Harry Potter, The Goblet of Fire, and have two weeks to go until I leave. I feel however, that I can both study for finals, take finals, and finish the series before I head home on Friday.
Only time, that fickle bitch, can tell.