Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So, I have a big problem with Rottentomatoes.com and Metacritic.com and basically any site or newspaper that critiques movies. My problem is that people who review movies tend to be cynical, tend to overlook the good, and tend to sometimes dramatize the bad in movies. I always try to preach that people think for themselves and when it comes to movies, this is especially true.

Basically, don't let others' opinions movie you one way or another. If you go watch a movie with your mind already set, your doomed to succumb to that self-fulfilling prophecy.

Granted, some movies are just so good it doesn't matter and, on the other hand, some are just so bad.

Anyways, that's enough soapboxing.

Here are two movies I've seen recently and MY opinions of them.

This movie is about the most famous failed attempt to assassinate Hitler by his own people. I'm not sure how "true" these events are but I did see a documentary on the History channel awhile back and from what I can remember, this movie sticks pretty well with history. My only complaint about it is lack of character development. Stauffenberg (Tom Cruise's character) is probably developed the most because he is the main character but there are many men shown that are developed enough. I wanted to more about these men, these German Nazis, who took it upon themselves to kill Hitler, free Germany, and end the war. Guess I'll have to watch the documentary again.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button:
This movie is truly epic, both in length of runtime and length of character. It is about 3 hours long and follows the life of Benjamin Button, a man (played by Brad Pitt) who's body starts off old and gets younger as he gets older. His mind, however, fits his age. There are so many neat things about this movie: the scenery, the characters, the plot in general. I'm not going to go on and on about it but I definitely recommend it. It is truly an intriguing movie that will have you thinking about it when you leave the theaters. If you like movies like Big Fish, Forrest Gump, etc. then I believe you will like this.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mom got drunk and Dad got drunk at our Christmas party.

Know the lyrics to that song?

I decided this break I want to do more than sit on my ass and watch time go by. I want to write, damn it. I have been writing but I want to work toward submitting stuff finally.

Fo' sho'.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Old emotions are coming back to me.

"Persephone" by Third Eye Blind.

I'm doing it. Slowly but surely I am capturing everything, and I do mean everything, in House on Hickory Hill. All of those emotions I felt at camp and am feeling now. All of those relationships that were or should have been. All of my hopes and fears. They are rearing their heads in my novel. This story began as a seed of experience and is growing into something so much more.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Some thoughts on the Punisher.

I own the Director's Cut of the Thomas Jane film, I probably won't see Punisher: War Zone until it is out on DVD, and the 80's film is on my wish list.

Over at www.aintitcool.com, they already have a review. Read it if you wish.

A lot of people (including comic book writers) treat the Punisher as some one-dimensional psychotic murderer, which just pisses me off. I only like seeing his violent killings to a degree. Without depth, the Punisher becomes a bloody, campy, lame piece of shit.

To truly create a well-down Punisher franchise, you need to start with the origin. This formulic approach to storytelling is tried and true. The first film always develop's the origins in some ways to the character. A good Punisher franchise would start off with a film about a nice guy named Frank Castle who goes to Vietnam. The things he sees there, the choices he makes, turns him into something wicked and dark. He says 'yes' to the Grim reaper and essentially because a self-proclaimed Angel of Judgement, punishing the guilty much like Ghost Rider does.

After all the Vietnam shit happens (which should be about 2/3) of the movie, Frank comes back and tries to settle in a civilian life with his family. When they get killed, caught in the crossfire between gangs, that is when Frank loses it. He has been haunted by Vietnam all this time, he gave in and said 'yes' to some force that allowed him to live. In return, it took his family. Now he becomes the Punisher. First killing all of the members of those gangs, and realizing his true purpose: Killers, rapists, psychos, sadists will come to know him well. He is the Punisher.

In film number two, he is the Punisher in his prime. Here you can introduce villians like the Russian, bring in Jigsaw (who could be introduced in film one as a perfect-faced gang leader), etc. In this film, the Punisher (because he is no longer Frank CAstle) becomes psychotic. He kills relentlessly but then in one scene, he begins to doubt and question himself (maybe he kills one of the bad guys in front of the guy's kids). He's realizing that all of his war experience...it just creates this blind, bloodthirsty hatred. He kills without thinking, without considering the consequences and others' choices. He realizes that he isn't punishing but revenging. Perhaps at the end he decides to hang up the skull-shirt and maybe try on the badge. Or maybe he tries to kill himself. Statistically, this would be the best film.

In film number three, should there be one (which is dangerous...because the third film of the trilogy tends to be the worst as far as comic book movies go) Frank is a cop again. He tries his best to be a good cop but his tactics are questionable at best and so he ends up getting suspended over and over again. He realizes that the judicial system is flawed, so at night he becomes the Punisher again, one with a brain. He doesn't necessarily kill at first, more like setup criminals or something. But then some big bad guy forces him to become violent and dirty again. He must find a balance between good justice and killing. Perhaps at this end, he attempts to put a bullet in his own head. Depth can be added by creating a love interest who is a sort of femme fatale, in the same vein as the punisher. There's a good story arc in the Punisher Max series where he meets a woman who has been betrayed by these other women (they are the wives of mob bosses). This particular woman is sisters with one of the mob wives. Frank can see himself reflected in her thoughts and actions and it scares him. It causes him to look at himself objectively. Perhaps Frank is killed, so is the big bad guy in the climatic battle, but the woman lives and by giving his life, the woman gets a second chance at hers.

Just some thoughts.

Monday, November 24, 2008

1 in 4 American girls has an STD

Yet another line of lyrics from a song off of 3EB's Red Star EP. In this case, from the song "Nondairy Creamer."

I failed to mention in my previous post that the three EP songs: Red Star, Nondairy Creamer, and a live version of Why Can't You Be are all featured on Third Eye Blind's myspace. You can get there quickly by just typing in www.thirdeyeblind.com

"Nondairy Creamer" may seem ridiculous at first, and it kind of is, but I've realized something. I can not dislike any Third Eye Blind songs. I thought I disliked "Tattoo of the Sun" and "Self-Righteous" but now I like the former and love the latter. Same thing with "Nondairy Creamer." It has truly grown on me.

I'm also following in with an unreleased song, "Persephone." Apparently it didn't make the cut to get on their last album, Out of the Vein. Supposedly it may be featured on Ursa Major which comes out next year sometime. Keeping my fingers crossed.

"Old emotions are coming back to me."

Sunday, November 23, 2008

You were so pretty in the days you spoke your mind

Those are lyrics from the song "Red Star" off of Third Eye Blind's recently released Red Star EP. It is a taste of things to come, definitely a holiday teaser. I pray that Ursa Major comes out in February like they say is supposed to, but I'm not holding my breath. Well, in a way I am. The EP is pretty good.

I've been trying (and failing) once again to write a song. Every time I try to write a song the lyrics come out as cheesy love song lyrics and the guitar part is mediocre at best. A good song doesn't need complicated guitar work, I know that. I'm just having trouble coming up with good lyrics. I don't want my lyrics to be like every other wannabe out there who sings songs about his estranged lover, or breakups, or shit like that.

Damn it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

House on Hickory Hill

Okay, if you look to the right you will notice I have updated the word count for my camp novel, House on Hickory Hill.

I wrote over 200 pages this summer longhand and I literally just got finished typing them up yesterday. I took a lot of breaks.

You'll also notice I am over my 90,000 word goal but the thing of it is, is that I am not finished.

Whether you knew or not, this is how I have my book setup:


Each day is divided up into smaller, numbered sections. All the days are finished except Monday needs to be finished and Tuesday hasn't even been written. There are huge gaps between Sunday/Monday and Friday/Saturday because I wrote all of this at different time periods. There are many inconsistencies that I, unfortunately, have to work out. I changed a lot of my ideas around specifically one big one: originally this was Andy's (main character's) first year at camp. I decided it would work a lot better if Andy is returning to camp a second time after a one year hiatus. So he worked there the summer he was 18 and now he is returning as a 20-year-old. It's great because he left a bit of a legacy and everyone is so glad he's back. And then around Wednesday the shit hits the fan.

This book has a lot going on because there was a lot I wanted to put in it. I wanted to reach a wide audience. There's something for everyone: love, sex, action of all sorts, friendship, humor, morbidity, mindfucks (in a way), suspense, mystery, lore of all sorts, etc.

It's packed but not saturated or overwhelming, I feel.

So this isn't even draft 1. This book is in all sorts of forms. I've gone through Monday/Sunday/Wednesday/ and parts of Thursday already. So those parts are practically on draft 2. The latter part of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are all first drafter. Monday needs a lot of work. And Tuesday is currently nonexistent. The epilogue has been written on paper but there are a lot of changes I want to make to it.

So I would say, after writing the epilogue, finishing up Monday, and writing Tuesday, I will have over 100,000 words so about 400 or so pages. Then editing is going to be long and arduous because of all these inconsistencies. Not to mention my writing has improved dramatically over the two years I've been writing this (started in 2006 when I was at the actual camp this is based off). It is hands down the largest undertaking I've done in terms of writing.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Life and Death, Death and Life, among other things...

So why are weddings and funerals so much portrayed as opposites? Are both not about love? Love has a beginning perhaps, but does true love ever end? Do you stop loving your spouse because they die? Or friend or relative? Absolutely not.

But then, perhaps people compare the symbolic "new life" of a freshly married couple to the very literal death of an individual. But if so, that's not a very good antonym because hot is the opposite of cold, not the idea of hot is the opposite of cold, if that makes sense. Birthdays are the opposite of funerals.

No wait, that's not quite right, either. Because both celebrate one's life, do they not? Funerals are about mourning, but do we not honor that person's life in a eulogy?

So what is the opposite of a funeral? Perhaps there is none, really. Because funerals, weddings, birthdays, they're all symbolic. The days are literal, sure, but their meanings go far deeper.

So it is the love of life that truly drives these things, perhaps.

In other news, there is no other news except...

There's this...something in existence. Its something I'm slowly discovering. This "something" is both a very strong feeling and some sort of transcendental/spiritual awakening or I guess a better word is epiphany. I haven't fully discovered it but whatever this "thing" is, each day brings me closer to the climax of the ultimate discovery. I have a feeling that this "something" is or has to do with the idea of the interconnectedness of all things, a sort of chaos theory. Except without the chaos.

It's like a massive jigsaw puzzle. Every day it feels like a new piece is added, and then sometimes one is taken away. I don't know what it is or what kind of implications it will have but I do know one thing, I'm going to Europe next summer for a study abroad program. Maybe there, as they say, I will find at least some answers to these burning questions I have.

Maybe there, I will find some sort of peace. Deep down in the depths of my heart, I am a drifter. I love, but I don't like to be constrained. I don't like time and I don't like deadlines and I don't like being responsible for certain things. What I like is living each day to its fullest potential. Every day should feel like a week and every week should feel like a day.

This is life, 'til death do us part.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


What is fear?

At its most basic level, it is the flight in "fight or flight."

It is caused by neurons firing in the amygdala of your brain in response to some stimuli found threatening.

Fear is things nesting in dark corners, shifting, coiling. Fear is born unto darkness. It keeps you awake. It torments your dreams and your waking life. Fear can be power and fear can be weakness.

Fear is powerlessness when those dark things come to haunt you at night. Awake or dreaming, they are there in the darkest regions of your room. Why do they only come out at night?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Another Update


So as you've noticed, I deleted those parts of my novel from here. Don't worry, I've actually converted the text of the entire prologue and first chapter to an .html document and I plan on uploading it to the internet here soon. Once I do, I'll provide a link.

Mostly, I was bothered by how it didn't format and how the posts worked (you saw the chapter first, then the prologue) so I'm going to upload it later.

In other news. I'm taking a creative writing class here in good, ol' college and loving it. All novels have been temporarily suspended. I'm focusing on what's going on in class and also several unfinished short stories I'm very excited about.

Hopefully I'll get my act together and submit some of these (once I've completed and revised them numerous times) for publication.

Enjoy your life,

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


There's something about them...maybe mine specifically...It's not answers I'm finding in my dreams but something else, something strong and powerful but at the same time masked and hidden. Symbols, yes...but also...it's like a riddle or a scavenger hunt where each item is a tiny piece in the huge jigsaw puzzle that is my life: past, present, and future. Each is a clue leading to the key. I have many keys only I don't know to which door each belongs.

I don't want to go back to vacation, I just want to be with my cousins again...one in particular.

Life is pain. Love is pain.

Pain sucks.

Friday, June 27, 2008


First of all, here's my current life situation. I'm working a job that I hate but that I'm also apparently really good at. However, don't even consider that right now. I'm currently on vacation. It is 12:53 AM and I am in a shitty Days Inn in Hilton Head Island.

I stayed up all night last night because we were leaving early. I slept maybe a good hour or two between several short naps in the car.

Now the in the hotel, I can not sleep. My parents are snoring and I do not have ear plugs. Music does not help. I'm just staying up all night again because, frankly there is nothing else I can do. The good news is I'll get some great sunrise pics.

I got a sweet new camera by the way.

Now, in terms of writing news...I've officially written 150 pages long-hand this summer all for House on Hickory Hill. I'm also updating the current word count of my story. This is only current for what I have typed out, not all that I have written. My story is divided into 7 days, Sunday to Saturday. Sunday is finished, as is Thursday. Friday I'm currently writing. Monday through Wednesday are either unfinished or in the editing process but mostly unfinished.

Once I complete this manuscript, I plan on setting it aside and finally getting some god damn stories published (and hopefully a little compensation).



Saturday, June 7, 2008

One Thought

Anyone can become a badass if such an occasion presents itself, and if one rises to said occasion.

In writing news: I'm burning with the passion.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Work, work, work, Senora, work it all the time...

You'll recall those lyrics from Harry Belafonte's "Jump In The Line" made famous by the movie "Beetlejuice."

It was randomly stuck in my head. But also, it relates to how I've been working a lot (but not like Senora). So there ya go.

Since I haven't had much to do at work yet, I've read a shit ton and have written quite a bit, too. I've finally overcome this piece of shit writer's block or whatever it was. I've written about 20 pages or so, continuing my story. I kept myself so locked up with working backward that I wasn't focusing my energy forwards, which was really where I wanted to go. Anyway, I've unleashed my writing prowess and it's doing good so far. Makes time go by, anyway.

Short but sweet. For now.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

All of My TV Shows

These aren't really in a particular order. I'll try not to spoil too much but read at your own risk.

First off, Heroes.

It isn't wise to compare season 2 to season 1, I think. The main purpose of season 1 was to get all the characters together at Kirby Plaza. That was the main directive of the writer. In season 2 that wasn't so. You didn't have that sense of interconnectedness at first, but it did come later on.

I really thought season 2 was good. I don't think it was as good as season 1, of course, but I still enjoyed it, especially watching it a second time. I really like the character of Adam Monroe. Actually, Maya too a bit. I definitely like Elle. Her character has a lot of potential, not to mention I think controlling and conjuring electricity/lightning is one of the coolest powers. Peter seemed to use it a lot.

I did like West, even though they're starting to repeat abilities. Even though it's nice to see new abilities, it kinda makes sense that abilities would overlap and that multiple people would have the same abilities. It doesn't mean that they're related exactly, I don't think.

Here's my projections for season 3. If you haven't seen the preview they showed at some convention, youtube it.

From the basis of the preview, I believe that the black guy they show can turn his body to metal a la Colossus. I believe there is also a sort of Brotherhood of Mutants type of group out there that exist for a nefarious purpose. The young looking guy that Sylar choke holds is a peon in that group and recruits Sylar. After watching every Heroes episode at least twice, I feel like I have a good grasp on Sylar's character. All he wants to do is gain more power. He doesn't give a crap about regular humans unless they get in his way. He does not ally with anyone unless it serves him a purpose. The only reason he teamed up with Maya and such was he didn't have his powers.

Sylar is going to join this Brotherhood and wait. Wait until he gets the opportunity to pick off each member and steal their abilities.

It's also been introduced that a new character (whose name keeps changing but is currently Daphne) that has super speed and is Hiro's arch-nemesis.

This leads me to the next portion of my discussion. The fall preview shown recently on NBC purports that all the Heroes have a dark side and will be tempted a la Peter Parker in Spider-man 3. Here's what I think about that.

Peter has already been tempted. He was going to kill Will in season 2 when he was telekinetically choking him. You cold see the evil in his eyes. Adam tempted him to the dark side as well. However, through this I believe Peter will become the hero he is meant to be. He has to be. Sylar is the most powerful villain and so Peter, the other side of the coin, must become the most powerful hero. Sylar and Peter have not had the climatic battle they deserve but I'm thinking they will during the season finale of season 3.

The only characters, without going into too much detail, I believe will be tempted are Matt and maybe Maya, if they bring her back. Maya has already been tempted into the evil side by Sylar, as seen throughout season 2. She has good in her for sure, but her power can be used for evil. Matt has tempted himself. He has risen to the power level of his father and I believe he will surpass it. I believe he will become evil, perhaps even a tool of the Company.

I'm very excited to see what happens in Season 3, so much so. September can't come fast enough.


I love this show, so much. I first started watching is socially but then it became an obsession. I've seen every episode from the first three seasons twice. And let me say that Season 4 is amazing. Just amazing. It's going to suck when this half of the season ends and I'll have to wait until next February to watch the rest.

Man...the Writer's Strike effed up a lot of my shows, including Heroes Season 2.


This show isn't what it was. I think because most of the mystery has been taken away and now it just feels liek they're making shit up, which is odd because that is the exact opposite. In the beginning, they were BSing the hell out of the show but now everything is planned.

I will watch every single episode until the show is done, however. I guess that's all I can say on it. It doesn't suck, it's just meh.

In writing news, I'm working on getting my ass in gear. My goal, as I said, is to publish a novel before I graduate. The first step is finishing a novel. I'm going to work on my camp novel because I feel is has the best chance of being publish.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sloop John B

No reason for the title other than I've been listening to that particular Beach Boys song a lot lately.

If you read this post in its original, long form, I apologize. Please disregard my late night banter. I am currently reading and wanted to make sure this was wiped from the internet. There is no more to say on the subject.

Good day.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Carry Me Ohio

"I'm sorry that
I could never love you back
I could never care enough
In these last days"

"Children love to sing but
Then their voices slowly fade away"

This isn't so much to talk about writing (although I will mention that I am feeling the itch that only writing can scratch) as it is to talk about my life. This coming week is my last full week of the semester and living in the dorms.

I have my el ed portfolio to work on, as well as two essays, two projects, and two exams. All of which are due this coming week and next. After these two weeks, I go straight into my job. I will be working this job all summer, up until sometime in August.

Furthermore, I know my summer projects are to write and read, clean up my music library, play some games, and hopefully get into some photography.

What is this thing called life? What's the worth? Maybe...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April Marches On

That it does.

So I finished The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman. I learned a few things and it was nice to see things from an editor's perspective. The most important thing I learned, and I know it's going to sound arrogant but I promise I'm not overplaying it, is that I am doing a lot of things RIGHT. That's right.

I'm not saying I'm the best writer or that my writing is flawless. All I'm saying is, from what I've read in the book and compared to my own writing (more recent writing, like within the past year) is that I'm doing things well. There are things I can improve on and develop more, sure, but I'm doing a lot of things right. Like I'd read a chapter and think of my writing and realize, "Wow, I've managed to avoid that or do that right." It's not that I just am a perfect writer, I've been developing my style for years. I had quite a bit of help in high school and later on, through both books and people. I used to do many of the things that Lukeman condemns but now I'm doing well.

I probably sound defensive in these paragraphs, sorry about that...I just didn't want to come off as arrogant.

In other news, I saw Once recently and while it was a good movie, it didn't change my life. However the song, Falling Slowly did. It is sung by Glen Hansard (of The Frames) and Marketa Irglova. And it is amazing. I loved it so much I am learning to play it myself on guitar. A wonderful, wonderful song...it's so beautiful and powerful, I just dig it so much.

Also, while I'm recommending music, be sure to check out Greg Graffin's (of Bad Religion) solo album Cold as the Clay. On it he covers a bunch of folk songs he grew up with in the most amazing way. Usually it reminds me of Autumn and Mississinewa (this War of 1812 reenactment I've gone to the past two years) but lately it's been reminding of that wonderful thing known as summer.

In sad news, I haven't written a lick in awhile but frankly guys...I'm too consumed by school. Occasionally, I'll write a bit of a short story or something but not much. I know, I know, I'm being quite the slacker. It's not that I don't have the time...I just don't have the quite environment I guess...I don't know all my excuses are lame but hopefully I will write quite a bit this summer.

LIFE GOAL: To publish my first novel before I graduate. I have approximately two and half years to go. I have two unfinished novels.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


This will be really quick but I just wanted to exclaim how much I love the goldmine I wrote over the summer. I had these three short stories stored on an online drive (www.freedrive.com) and forgot about them for a while. But I recently went back and downloaded them to my macbook. They are phenomenal. One, the dog one mentioned in the previous post, is finished but the other two are still in progress. They are great. Morbid for sure, but wonderful.

One is currently titled Pizza and its a first person story about a guy that takes care of his 500-pound, morbidly obese neighbor. He just can't take it any more and cracks.

The other is called Ghost Writer. It's about this guy that discovers a type writer in his attic and a completed manuscript. The manuscript is gold and he publishes it. After a time, another appears, just as good as the last. They are all stories of tortured souls. It turns out these have been written by some sort of entity inhabiting this guy's house and he keeps taking credit for the stories. The ghost gets pissed and exacts his revenge. There are going to be many twists, however.

I really think these are publish-worthy stories so I am going to find time to work on them. Hoorah!

Two dogs walk into a bar...

I have no follow up to that. No punchline. It's not a real joke, sorry. I just thought it was nifty title because it ties in with this short story I wrote over the summer and recently went back and read. I'm really excited about this one.

I wouldn't classify it as horror per se, hell I don't know what you'd classify it as other than spec lit. It's about two abused dogs that overcome their tormenter in a morbidly amusing climax. It takes place all from the dogs perspective (even though it's technically third person). Personally, I think it's well done and, dare I say, well written. Ha-ha, anyway.

Also, in like a lion and out like a lamb, my ass. I had to walk about a mile in the rain with no umbrella. The rain soaked through my backpack and onto my macbook which barely survived. I'm currently using it to write this and I hope it holds together. I've saved all important documents onto a flash drive just in case but god damn. Fuck you, March.

Go ahead and eat that extra slice of pie (I almost said cake, but I don't like cake),

Monday, March 24, 2008

We're lacking something, something good...

So it seems to me that every person who is really big into music has a band or artist that represents him. Mine, after long deliberation and years of listening to music, has become Third Eye Blind. As much as I feel other music represents me, Third Eye Blind will always hold the strongest place in my heart.

So here's a little taste of their greatness:

"A spaceman fucked an ape
Then cut out on the date
And now its much too late
The spaceship has escaped.

We're lacking something
Something good
Is this all for nothing
Show me the goods
Something good"
-"Darwin" by 3EB

Also, Audiosurf is the best ten bucks you'll ever spend on a game. Guaranteed.


I have update my word counts, finally. This includes all the bits and pieces I've written of both works. And yes, Skin and Bone is the title of my zombie-esque novel. Maybe in a few years I'll be published and be looking back at this post and have some sort of epiphany or whatever. Maybe nostalgia. Whatever.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Summertime and the wind is blowin' outside...

First of all, some interesting news. When people ask me how the Big Brother thing is going, I always say "not bad" or "OK" or "good," because truthfully, this is what they want to hear. Or rather, it is what I want them to hear. I didn't want to go into detail because it was something I was really struggling with. The truth is, it wasn't going well at all. The kid was fine, its just we never connected, I never felt like we clicked. We got along, just never connected.
The good news is that I am breaking off the relationship and starting anew at some point in time. I'm going to be very cautious this time. Before, I should have said 'no.' This time I will be wary in saying 'yes.'

In other news...

This is going to be a confession post, I feel, because the other thing I wanted to talk about was camp. It's been almost two years since I first set out for Waycross, a young, naive, soon-to-be college freshmen. I've grown up so much since then. I notice it all the time. But, and I say this without any sort of exaggeration or dishonesty, that summer of 2006 changed my life. It caused me to realize a lot of things. The most potent of which being that I miss everyone and everything from that summer. Sure there were downs (I missed vacation with my family, first time in fourteen years, I didn't make as much money as I could, etc) but there were so many ups to outweigh them.
The truth is, guys, not a day goes by that I don't think about the place. I'm heartsick for it. I am in love with it. But I can't go back. Partially for monetary reasons but also because going back would not be the same. The first time is the best, I think.
But I've discovered something else. I'm sure by now you're wondering, "You haven't talked about writing yet. Does this relate, somehow?" And it does. The only way I'm going to get this off my chest and out of my mind, the only way to cure my aching heart, is to write about it. Which means my camp novel is going to go through some changes. Nothing horribly drastic. I can keep about 90% of what I've written and probably only need to delete about 2%, which leaves the other 8% to revisions. The biggest change is that my main character, Andy, is not going to be an eighteen-year-old going to camp for the first time. He is going to be a 20-year-old returning to camp after two years. He hopes for the best and discovers the worst. He'll find love, loss, hope, and more. And he'll find something else. But I won't say it here.
So that is where I am in my life. I'm trying to overcome my hatred for things. Yet another confession. I hate, a lot. It's not like I mean to, it's just things bug me. So I hate. I can love, too, don't get me wrong. I'm a pretty caring guy. It's just a lot of things piss me off. I won't ever blog about them, I got that out of the way in my younger days (this is my fourth blog, by the way, the other three are gone because they were way too whiny--and political).
There. That's all for now. Take a breath because this isn't over yet. I'm just beginning. The change to my blog isn't just to lighten things up, it's to show that the future is bright. I have so much ahead of me. It's time to jump in.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hang on to me and I'll hang onto you...til the end or until the day is through

The very last song on Carbon Leaf's album Indiana Summer is the best. It's over 7 minutes long but it's the best.

So I have been writing. A little bit here and there but more so than I've done in the past few months, which is great. Oddly enough, this is crunch time. I have all these projects and essays and shit do. I have all these video games and books and television and other stimuli but despite it all I've managed to write. Go figure.

I'm slowly connecting the dots on Skin and Bone, well the first part anyways. Once I finish that first part, I'll put it together with the second part in a word document (for word count purposes mostly and for formatting) and then update the word count here. I'm rather excited for whenever that happens. I probably only have about 40 more pages to write (about 10,000 words). That sounds like a lot but if you've ever gotten on a role, you know 40 pages is nothing, except countless hours that you don't even notice passing by.

Then I need to make some changes to part 2 but generally continue writing it. Thankfully part 2 isn't a bunch of pieces like part 1 was. Not so much in the beginning but later on I wrote scraps here and there and now I'm busy connecting them. Part 2 just needs to be altered a bit (if you've read it, what I'm doing is adding the kid's father into the mix. Just...don't get too attached to him). Then I need to continue it. It's at about 75 pages but I know exactly where it's going and it's going to kick ass.

Part 3 is the biggest part. I have actually written a few pieces here and there and I will certainly incorporate them into it. They're like teasers to myself, which is great.

My hope is to at least have part 1 and 2 finished by the beginning of May and hopefully have the first draft of this god damn thing done by next semester (mid-August for those keeping score at home).

I try not to have definite goals at the moment because it wold stress me out too much and make me feel bad if I didn't meet them. So right now I just have hopes which, as a theme in my story, is best.

Take care and rock on.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Third Eye Blind -- Live!

That's right. Last night, February 9th, 2008, I went to a Third Eye Blind concert. It was actually crazy chance that I ended up there.

See on Wednesday I was driving around with one of my buddies, who loves 3EB also, and we got to talking about concerts and stuff. I told him how 3EB came to Indy over the summer and how I almost went but didn't really get around to informing people or anything. he's like, "Oh man, you should have called me." And I definitely should have. But anyways, the next day, just out of curiosity, I check 3EB's tour schedule. Lo and behold, they are in friggin' Crawfordsville, IN on Saturday at Wabash College. So by now I'm sure you can put two and two together.

I went there with my buddy and his girlfriend and we, essentially, had a great time. The concert was phenomenal. Picture about 1,500 college kids in a gym that is sized fit for a high school rather than a college, and you probably imagine lots of shit. Lots and lots of shit. There was shit, indeed. Plenty of douchebags and bitches that came because it was a free (for Wabash students) or cheap concert. I'm pretty sure there were several people from a frat party or two that came. However, there were some true fans there besides my friends and myself.

3EB rocked so hard, it was phenomenal. I'm just in awe, I can't even put into words (shame on me, being a writer and all...haha) how great the experience was. The good news is, they're working on putting out a 4th album AND a live album. In fact they were recording for their live album last night so when it comes out, listen closely and you'll hear me (admist the crowd of a thousand people, haha). The new song was great...I sort of forget how it goes or what it's called but it was great. Man, it was just so great. I bought a t-shirt. Awesome.

I don't want to talk about writing right now, though. Fuck school.