And so it begins.
I wrote about two thousand words today. I'm taking a break from House on Hickory Hill, my aptly named camp novel, to work on my zombie book and also to submit short stories. I'm feelin' pumped about this zombie story. I'm takin a cue from Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead (comic that I totally recommend) and focusing on characters and not gore. Not to say their won't be gore and other nasty surprises, only that I'm going to work very hard to make these characters interesting and appealing.
As far as music, I've found a new artist. His name is Joshua Radin and he's awesome. His music has been on Scrubs and there's a commercial (Kohl's or JC Penney or something, I think) that uses his song "Only You." Not only have I fallen in love with this guy, but I've also learned to play "Only You" and another one of his songs, "Everything'll be alright." It's so it!
So, I submitted one of my stories to Whisers of Wickedness. It doesn't pay but I figure if a non-paying magazine publishes me, then I got a chance getting others to publish me. Then once I get a few stories published in the non-paying market, I can do what I really want to do and that's submit my story, Lycanthropy, to Weird Tales.
That's my goal.