Saturday, June 16, 2007


Wow so I've submitted a sh*t ton of stuff today. Here's my list:

Story - Market - Date Sent - Status

Don Lewis - Whispers of Wickedness - 6/9/2007 - REJECTED

Suffer in Silence - Arcane Twilight - 6/15/2007 - Pending...

Distortion - Magazine of the Dead - 6/16/2007 -Pending...

Wandering Trust - Crime and Suspense - 6/16/2007 -Pending...

Sanitized - Thieves Jargon - 6/16/2007 - Pending...

Lycanthropy - Lycanthrope The Beast Within - 6/16/2007 - Pending...

Left-handed - Chimaera Serials - 6/16/2007 - Pending...

Bentoville Cemetery - Chimaera Serials - 6/16/2007 - Pending...

I'm tracking all of these on Duotrope, which is quite handy. Thanks again Rob.

As for my novel, I haven't written anything since I last updated and I may not write any of it today. I'm feelin' kinda tired and burned out, not of writing but just of writing prose. I'm thinking about writing some poems today, though.

Wish me the best.