Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Don't Wait Up

I'm up to three rejections and one acceptance right now, which is fine. I'll take the one acceptance even if it came with ten rejections (don't jinx it though, still got stuff pending).

I finished Ghoul and it ended in a typical Keene fashion. I won't say what that is for those of you who haven't read his stuff before. Don't worry, his stories are great and this is him at his pinnacle. His next novel, Dead Sea, which is excerpted at the end of the book, is going to be great. He's finally going back to zombies. He has two more novels coming out after that one. I forget the title of one but the other is Ghost Walk and I think has something to do with a haunted house. I've never read any of Keene's short stories but I might buy some of his collections of his website. Because I love this author as much as I love SK. I can't wait for a Haha.

I haven't written all day but I'm hoping to finish my dog story (the one mentioned one or two posts ago).

That's it for now.