Someone at the office, nay multiple someones, complained to Christy (my supervisor's supervisor) because they saw me reading yesterday. OMG he was reading!! Look, I was on a break/lunch but I didn't have a sign that said so. Fortunately my supervisor gave a break sign and told me about it so its all taken care of. What pisses me off is how people flip out when other people are reading (which, as a writer and avid reader, is completely offensive) but mostly, how some people just need to mind their friggin' business.
ARGH! Okay, that's off my chest.
Next order of business: guitar. Now, look down at the picture on my previous post. That's option A. Option B is:
An Acoustic-Electric. I've already pretty much made my decision but here's how both weigh in:
I'm going to get them both eventually
I play acoustic more than electric
I know more acoustic songs
It's hard to rock out/solo on acoustic
Silver satin is cooler than blue
I'm going with the Acoustic, of course.
As for writing, I wrote about eight hundred or so words yesterday. I'll update my word count at the end of the week while smiling because I'll have my first Conseco paycheck in hand. Well, pay stub because I'm going to cash it at lunch.
Okay, thanks to Rob (for showing me Pandora) and Pandora (for finding this song), I've found a band called Secondhand Serenade. It's actually just a guy and his acoustic but he's awesome. It's a sort of emo band but the songs are great and not about suicide or crying!! My favorite song of theirs/his is "Vulnerable"